cometsan’s blog

it's komet, for komat kamit. so komat and kamit married and their kid is named komet.


Maybe she clawed his eyes out for me too.



If that so. Thatll be heaven already.


No wonder tons of gods wanna be here.

Intruders. Looking for worsheeps. 


It s fun.


All the work done for me.


I can leave already.



The owens can stay here...rotting as they watch themselves. 



Kinda like everyone.



Just another sad stories hidden behind our mischieves. Or just an psychotic resultant of our....correctnes 


Fun as hell.


Oh wait whats hot.






Keeping correct.




I forgot this planet is really bad.

Thats why it costs quite some laughing to do.


That jobs not mine either.


No need to even put up a smile.


Just sleep and stay grumpy.

Takes less of the energy.... keep the face intact.


What am i, rich?


The length of a rifle 

Is about hgbd timeline.


And thats all


Heero yuy knew the entire season of gundam 









He cant even remember his own show.