cometsan’s blog

it's komet, for komat kamit. so komat and kamit married and their kid is named komet.


Maybe she clawed his eyes out for me too.



If that so. Thatll be heaven already.


No wonder tons of gods wanna be here.

Intruders. Looking for worsheeps. 


It s fun.


All the work done for me.


I can leave already.



The owens can stay here...rotting as they watch themselves. 



Kinda like everyone.



Just another sad stories hidden behind our mischieves. Or just an psychotic resultant of our....correctnes 


Fun as hell.


Oh wait whats hot.






Keeping correct.




I forgot this planet is really bad.

Thats why it costs quite some laughing to do.


That jobs not mine either.


No need to even put up a smile.


Just sleep and stay grumpy.

Takes less of the energy.... keep the face intact.


What am i, rich?


The length of a rifle 

Is about hgbd timeline.


And thats all


Heero yuy knew the entire season of gundam 









He cant even remember his own show.




Going away is gonna be so fun


I forgot this is another dumphole


Cuz someone is abit of psycho. As usual.

And slow. And fiery. 


Or maybe thats why it s fiery.


To lit a smog.




But then.

No big deal.


They might just torture me here now and then.

Parts and parts. I forgot already.

One bad drop make the whole pot looks dirty. That was...singapore. or just us. Humanity.


Sad generalizer.


Maybe i will talk everyone till they die of boredom?


Thatd be genocide.






I also lit the stove.

That makes me the better killer i guess?


Good cook has to be clean afterall.




Wht d fuk.

You thought they are principled?

Just overall high and drunk maybe or idk...


Its like dad back then i guess


Smoked so hard dont even notice my stupid.

Guess the fire do blinds you.



Since you are so used to fire.



Hell is not big deal.

Maybe we can repopulate the earth with faggoteranodons and faggoteratops?


Itll be cringe but better cringe than lit.



Guess faggots gonna be sadists soon.


Itll be fun.


Faggots have been always sadists too.

Like jews. 


Praying for the cut.


Well. One is the better hunter i suppose.

A good game.



What was the mission again?


To return to faggotland?


I forgot.





guess i am forwver part of the crazy retarded species


The mentally advanced species of murder and torture



Oh wow.


Cant wait to die and leave all this....smarts.



I wonder how ill die?





All the classical things humanity do while smiling.



Going to hell is nothing compared to this speicies. Oh boy. So exciting.



It s not like i can know who feels what or do what


Humanity is not allowed to connect anyway.

To...telepathically connect and bond. Nope. Not low enough. We only have words.


Some people are just...fated to be in that religion. That space of time. That bomb spot. True.


It is have stupid crazy gods and being a terrible speci3s of shit. Just your casual fate.