cometsan’s blog

it's komet, for komat kamit. so komat and kamit married and their kid is named komet.


Just throw me to hell




I can only make material stuff


Just burn me there and erae me



Can you do math? Look at me i sit in pose better than your throne dear god. Not pissed yet? Wtf are you hahahaha



Sorry hahaha



Guess my parents will be polygamists or something cu they r just worthless cocksuking nub that serves me the satan or something lol



I mean.



Sorry man. I dont wanna continue this either



Selling and making stuff seems more sensible.


Cutting goats


Beheading chickens



It s what normal.


I dont even know whats the future should be


Makig dolls? Beheading plastics? Shutting earth?

