cometsan’s blog

it's komet, for komat kamit. so komat and kamit married and their kid is named komet.


It s not that i won


It s basically a lost so great i wonder if society itself is joking but





Daddy never said to pity the huana.

I mean. They just burn businesses... not people. Right?


I mean i d be angry if they rob my gundams...

Or if they ask money from me. It felt completely displeasing.  


But then...


What a life.


God pls save everyone


I am so tired worshipping you and seeing dogshit of people just scouring here. Makes me uber guilty too not being able to draw i mean







Just come down and teach


But i guess we gotta martyr like martyr


Kings kingdoms presidents countries

We win wars not with prayers but muscles.


But yeah



Sharing one heaven with one hell of angry people?


I dont want to.



I dont want to be involved


I have been nice enough


At least spare me the bullshit and give me strength. 


But i guess gods are uniquely faction based.