cometsan’s blog

it's komet, for komat kamit. so komat and kamit married and their kid is named komet.

dont worry

Itll all over soon too.


In fires and explosions.

Thats the best thing you get.

Thats the best you offer too.



In the end...

God is molded by the people.

The worst the pepol... the worst the god.


You think stupid idiots get to choose?


Brainless angry rude cruel beast like you get to do more than your god? A god that cant even revive dogs? You wont get far. 


Only as good as the ultimate psychos.



Become god? Fruit of knowledge? It was all a joke. 

You think you are normal? True. Your standard change from era to era. What was crazy will be norm. What was norm will be crazy. Hahaha...humanity is like water... evolving forever towardw the worst of its elements.



Is it getting better?




Not even god cares

You have to burn goats to heal your sins.


That is your best offer.


You have no choice.

What are you...democratic?

You have no equality.

Communism? Impossible. You cannot afford any of it.


Poor people cannot afford good god